Friday, July 4, 2008


I found the part about how we young people treat old people sometimes pretty sad. I don't know where we get the notion that we know more than they do. But we do it all the time. So often, we assume that old people would not understand what is going on today. We assume they would not be able to work a cell phone, hear us, etc. I know I do it sometimes when I am waiting tables at work. If I am taking an order, I will lean in to an older person when taking their order, I guess so they can hear me better and I can hear them better. In the business though, it is hard not to stereotype because so many people fill their stereotypes, that after we see the same thing 4 times in a row, we assume it will happen again the 5th time. Like when I get a tables of high-school kids, I assume they do not know how to tip. This is partly why I tip really well when I go to a restaurant, because I look young, and I know the server will assume they will get a bad tip from me. But they wont!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Everybody Loves Raymond

The chart of turning points in chapter 15 was pretty interesting. I found it weird how certain events would have such strong turning points with the relationship with the mother, but not so much the father, like Rebellious Teenager, and with some turning points, it would affect the relationship with the father, but not so much with the mother, like Jealousy. 

The physical distance was the most influential turning point. I guess that makes sense because a relationship is a lot easier to maintain when people are close in proximity. I mean, when an adult child moves away and starts a family somewhere, the new family will not have a close bond to the old family like one would that live in the same city. 

The TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond" is about a family that lives right across the street from the parents of one of the adults. The humor in the show comes from the lack of privacy, the constant fighting and the fact that they are just too close in proximity. So, I would say it is great to live in the same area for the grandkids and the grandparents, but not on the same street!