Thursday, June 12, 2008

Self and Society

This chapter, along with the non-verbal comm one, I have really enjoyed the most. I really liked this chapter because it was very interesting to apply all the concepts to myself and to people I know and see on a daily basis as I was reading. 

The ones that were easiest to see were the negative behaviors. For example, the whole time I was reading the Machiavellian Behavior part, I kept thinking over and over again how everything they are saying fits perfectly with someone I know. The part about an argumentative person versus a verbally aggressive person, I thought about how my mom fits very strongly into the verbally aggressive person and that it is such a strong barrier between us because I think I am a logical argumentative person. 

When I thought about myself and these categories, with some of these, I found myself fitting into both sides. For example, under self-monitoring behavior, I found myself scoring high in some aspects and scoring low in others. I guess that would make me a moderate self-monitor? Or maybe I am high in certain times and contexts and low in others. Or maybe these tests are made to be generic and do not work for each person who takes them. Who knows. 

But I really enjoyed this chapter, except for how it seemed to talk mostly about negative characteristics of people, and not very much about positive. 


1 comment:

jdmINT said...

Hi Aleks :-)
Ch. 14 was also my favorite chapter in this week's readings. I thought what you mentioned about you and your mom is interesting. I think many people conuse argumentative behavior with verbal aggression. Several people, perhaps your mom is one of them, think they are making logical arguments when in actuallity they are berading their opponent's character. On the other side, there are overly-sensitive people who take offense to argumentative people. Even when someone presents an argument that only attacks views/ideas, sometimes that receive will take it as a personal attack. Recognizing the difference between argumentativeness and verbal agression will help people relate and express ideas in a more respectful, logival manner.