Friday, June 13, 2008

Sweet Sixteen

This was the last chapter of the book, and I liked how it connected all the other chapters at the end when it ties its concept into each chapter.

The concept I liked most in this chapter is adaptability. I used to work for a drug prevention and leadership training organization for teens and thats one thing we talked about all the time, is flexibility. When leading a small group in discussion, when communicating with anyone really, its important to let the conversation take its desired course, unless it is going somewhere where it should not. We always told our teens to learn to adapt. If they were planning on playing a certain game that involves dice in their meeting, but they forgot the dice, don't go looking for dice, play something else!  I think it is very important to be spontaneous and creative, which I think goes hand in hand with adaptability, because life is just more fun that way.



goofy said...

Aleks, I really enjoyed reading about what you had to say about adaptability and flexibility. It's amazing how you learned to be flexible and let the conversation take its course especially working in a drug prevention center. It's important to let the conversation just run, especially in that environment, so that people could get things off their chest and say whatever is on that individuals mind.In any conversation, let it run smoothly and don't interrupt unless you absolutely need to.I basically agreed with everything you had to say about adaptation and flexibility.People just have to learn to be sensitive to another person's feelings.

Paula said...

Yes I believe adaptability and flexibility is essential in our daily communication. We need to be able to converse with other people in a way that makes them comfortable talking with you. If we talked the same way to everyone then people would not desire to talk with us. I believe when we adapt our communication skills to a better suited approach, we display care and interest in someone. Someone who just lost a loved one, you want to display compassion for. But in a Litigation Trial, you don't to be compassionate to the other party, you are looking out for your party and trying to prove your side thus being aggressive. So we need to be able to look and say yes, this approach isn't going to work in order to be better communicators.