Saturday, June 28, 2008


The book talks about cheating and how when someone finds out about their partner's cheating, it depends on how they found out on how bad their reaction will be. The book said that they will feel better about the situation if they confronted the cheater and the cheater confessed, or if the cheater confessed on their own, versus finding out from a 3rd party or catching red-handed. The book gives the reason for it that they save face more and are less embarrassed in the private confession. I agree with that but I think that there is a stronger reason, which is honestly. I think honesty is valued very highly in our society and that the fact that the cheater confessed, makes it easier to bear because at least they were honest about it. When hearing from someone else, the one who was cheated on just thinks about how they were lied to and thats what hurts for most people.


boyd013 said...

honetly it hurts more when they lie about it and then you have to find out from someone else. At least if they confuss you can have respect for them, you may not like them but you will respect them. I have had to face the demon myself but the girl respected me. And when a girl cheated on me and then told me i could repect her but for coming clean. but i can not handle the lies. Why people lie is beyond me. I do not know why they do it, it is harder to keep a lie than it is to just tell the truth.

Aleks said...

Its true, because once you lie, you have to keep up with that lie, and it is just so much work..